
Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Bomber Harris Returns

TWOC wasn't the first time i had a visit from Bomber Harris. Next time I saw him he was Detective Inspector Bomber Harris and he had a Lemmy from Motorhead type moustache. He now reminds me of D.I Burnside from The Bill.

In about '84 I was in bed about to struggle up and go to my crappy job when I suddenly hear an agressive pounding at my front door. I look out the window to see the newly promoted D.I Bomber Harris and another officer. Harris is telling me to"get down here now" rather aggressively.

I go down, open the door and the interogation begins. I am being accused of breaking in to my local; The Beer Engine. I remember well his interogation technique -guilty before presumed innocent. I felt like one of the Birmingham Six about to go down, about to crumble under the pressure and just say "yes it was me, i broke in and emptied the fruit machine" But no, its ludicrous, it wasn't me, I was in there drinking last night, i work there sometimes and I am good freinds with the Landlord. I may be a dumb teenager but I wouldn't piss for too long on my own doorstep.

Eventually Harris sees reason, and that I am not his guy. I make him take me too work as I am well late by now. He moves on to interogate most of my freinds and gets no where. Pete the landlord gave him a good bollocking, what a tosser.

1 comment:

G-man said...

See Pods comment on TWOC re BH