
Tuesday, May 8, 2007


A paint company
In 1760, a young colour chemist "Lewis Berger" developed a method for manufacturing Prussian blue using a secret process that every designer and householder coveted. His business was nurtured by his descendants and others till it merged with Jenson and Nicholson Ltd. to form Berger, Jenson & Nicholson Limited.

A card game
The origins of Berger stem from my early teens when I was fortunate enough to own a pack of Berger branded playing cards. I think I must of offered my good Friend Dave a card (or he me) in the style of a crap magician. On Dave or myself taking the card and confidently guessing what it was and invariably geting it wrong one of us said "berger." Then we repeated the process for no apparent reason.

Have a go...
Fan a pack of cards and say to someone "pick a card, any card." You then say what you think the card is. Obviously you guess wrong -this is when you say "berger." If by chance you get it right then you also say "berger" as well. Or -the other person can say "berger" or maybe both -the possibilities are limitless...

Express yourself
"you're really bergered now mate"
"oh berger -I've done it again"
"you've gone and bergered it right up you twat"
"look at the bergers on that"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have found the definitve BERGER sign. I saw this in Barbados where BERGER is still something of a brand name (though long since gone in the UK) along with Courts.